Call for proposals for new Internet art production for net.cube in 2015
Centre for Drama Art opens a call for proposals for Internet art production and involvement with the net.cube project. The application deadline is April 30, 2015.
All interested parties are invited to apply their online works, regardless of exhibition in a physical space. The work produced would be realized only on the Internet.
The net.cube project explores Internet art with an attempt to ensure the conditions for Internet art projects and encourage domestic online creation, as well as its contextualization and mapping.
Programme is realized on two fronts – as an Internet gallery (under construction) and as a series of public lectures.
Thematically, the net.cube project is focused on building a digital 'white cube' and on cyberspace as the space of representation.
How do artists react to the context of the Internet as the worldwide web of all webs – public, academic, military, corporate, commercial, all intertwined with telecommunication technologies ranging from a hundred-year old telephone lines to optic and satellite links? What are the conditions under which a work of Internet art operates? What language does it take on and where is the potential for subversion? Where do hacking and artistic engagements cross paths and how do they support one another?
The call is primarily for those projects which contemplate and react to online space and adopt specific codes and language of that space.
The applicants will be informed of the results in early June 2015.
The application must consist of:
- Name and surname;
- Title of the piece;
- Short biography;
- Contact details (telephone, email);
- Short proposal description;
- Sketch and/or documentation.
location of the exhibition:
time: September 2015 – December 2015
organized by: Centre for Drama Art, Zagreb
curators: Irena Borić, Martina Kontošić, Renata Šparada
Applications should be sent to: